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THE PRACTICE OF LIVING AS WE INTEND, is a lifestyle podcast for women hosted by Dannielle Alphonse, founder of ‘D’ shares insight, personal stories and experiences that offer empowering practices to live your life as it was uniquely intended. She teaches that each of our stories have purpose and the ability to refine how we ‘think, do and become.’

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Oct 22, 2018

Episode 56 The Practice of Living as we Intend.

Part 3: It's all about connection...
Oh man oh man does this episode have great meaning to me. I share some insights that I feel will resonate with you. I can't emphasize enough how connection has created a beautiful and powerful catalyst to create movement forward in my...

Oct 4, 2018

Episode 55 The Practice of Living as we Intend.

Part 2: Thinking about thinking...
Are you a visionary thinker? An over-thinker? Do you simplify or have a tendency to fix things?
Join me in Part 2 of this series...
Be you, and thrive!


Creative, speaker, podcast host, thought leader