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THE PRACTICE OF LIVING AS WE INTEND, is a lifestyle podcast for women hosted by Dannielle Alphonse, founder of ‘D’ shares insight, personal stories and experiences that offer empowering practices to live your life as it was uniquely intended. She teaches that each of our stories have purpose and the ability to refine how we ‘think, do and become.’

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May 24, 2017

You're listening to Episode 18 of The Practice of Living as we Intend Podcast.

When I find myself struggling—like getting easily frustrated, feeling tired or like life feels chaotic, unmanageable or I lose my gumption for what I know I am deeply passionate about—I know it’s time to reset and take inventory.


May 18, 2017

You're listening to Episode 17 of The Practice of Living as we Intend Podcast.

Do you offer yourself what you offer others?

Today I share a story about a difficult 'decade' in my life and how it taught me the importance of 'what do you do when it's just you..'

If we want to thrive in this life we were given, it is...

May 11, 2017

You're listening to Episode 16 of The Practice of Living as we Intend Podcast.

Pause to consider how you have grown personally, as a woman through the years. Reflect and digest how you are becoming the woman you’ve wanted, the woman you’ve longed for.

The one who takes her next steps in faith.

The one who, yes, has...

May 3, 2017

Episode 15 The Practice of Living as we Intend Podcast

Do you feel like you're constantly climbing? Is there something in your life that you are you rushing to complete? What in your life are you pushing forward for, struggling to get to the top of, or trying to figure out?

Today in the podcast we discuss the growth in...