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THE PRACTICE OF LIVING AS WE INTEND, is a lifestyle podcast for women hosted by Dannielle Alphonse, founder of ‘D’ shares insight, personal stories and experiences that offer empowering practices to live your life as it was uniquely intended. She teaches that each of our stories have purpose and the ability to refine how we ‘think, do and become.’

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Mar 23, 2017

You're listening to Episode 10 of The Practice of Living as we Intend Podcast. Have you ever been in a low-mood?? How about a low-mood kind of day? Of course you have! And you and I are not alone. This IS life and it is going to ebb and flow. And from time to time, we are all going to feel the unbalance that this brings.

In this episode, we explore how we can recast our moment or even our day when we need to.

Join me and listen, reflect and be inspired, as we practice ‘Living as we Intend’ together!

Please leave a review and subscribe to the podcast! Thank you in advance.

Extra Resources:

Sign up here to stay in the know about this Spring's launch: A 5 Day Guide to Renewed Optimism!

Thrive with 'D': Every Heartbeat a heartfelt article about loving others wholeheartedly. 

Insight from Thriving Women: Click here to meet Dedra Davis, Contributing writer for Taylor Magazine and be reminded of the power of two qualities—happiness and gratitude—and how with practice, can make a positive impact on turning a bad day to good.

Summary of Podcast:
Recast your Day

(00:36) I have been in the mulligrubs! Earlier this week I had a mulligrub kind of a day. I was feeling off, a bit in a low mood, and in turn I ended up having a day that I really didn’t plan to have! I’m talking #peanutbutterjaruntwists and I am on the couch kind of day!

(1:20) A dear person in my life said to me yesterday, ‘You know ‘D’ you can recast your day at any point.’

(2:58) In this episode we’re going to explore how we can practice recasting our moment or even our day when needed.

(3:50) In either circumstance, experiencing a low mood or being in the midst of an extreme difficulty, allowing others to be a part of our lives or our circumstance is a valuable foundation.

(5:16) I think part of the instinct to withdrawal from people, has a lot to do with our expectations. Modifying the expectations we place upon ourselves, (and the ones we also think others have for us), allows us to begin to feel the freedom to be who we truly are and do what we once doubted.

(7:18) Another form of recasting our moment or mood, is paying attention to our thoughts. I know that our thoughts become habits and CAN be retrained when purposefully attended to.

(9:14) Lastly I have to share that I think we could all use a little more light-heartedness in our lives. I think this keeps life a bit more in perspective.


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